Each month, 99 Walks features a different theme, carefully chosen by the 99 Walks team to invoke our Core Values and deliver the motivation you need to keep walking.

September 2024: Walk the mile you’re in

It seems fitting that our last month's theme is Walk the Mile You're In. Why? Because we often spend time either looking backward at where we've been (sometimes with an eye towards what we wish we could change) or looking forward to where we hope we will be. Just yesterday, I was hiking amidst some of the most beautiful scenery you can imagine – mountains on one side, a glittering lake on the other – and at one point, I found myself contemplating my to-do list and thinking about all of the things I have to do when I get home. What a waste.

Many of us find it challenging to be truly present. We must work to bring our minds back to the present moment. Now, listen, I don't mean all the time. Planning and forward-thinking are important. Memories are the treasures of our lives. But, as with so many things, balance is key. Take the time to plan, take the time to reflect, and take the time to be fully present for the mile you are in.

As we explore the theme Walk the Mile You're In, we encourage you to be fully present all month. Let's enjoy every walk. Let's enjoy each moment. Let's not dwell on where we've been or even necessarily wonder where we're going. Trust that your past walks have led you to exactly where you are meant to be right now. And trust that down the road, your walking practice will be there for you.

Let's focus on the journey instead of just the destination. 

Let's slow down and appreciate the here and now, no matter how challenging or uncertain.

This mindset can help reduce stress and anxiety by shifting our focus to what we can control right now. Whether it's a demanding project at work, a personal challenge, or just the day-to-day grind, walking the mile you're in is about accepting your current reality and making the most of it. It doesn't mean you shouldn't have goals or plans for the future, but rather that you should keep sight of the importance of living in the present. 

After all, every mile you walk shapes your journey, and this journey is worth your full attention!