99 Walks is a fun virtual walking challenge designed for women of every age, ability and location.

Each month, you’ll set your own personal walking goal and walk as part of a team with women in your neighborhood or virtually across the county — or choose to go solo and crush the miles on your own. Either way. the support of our incredible community and our motivational coaches will help to keep you moving.

And when you crush your goal at the end of the month, you’ll receive a gorgeous bracelet engraved with the month’s theme.


Step 1.

Join here on the site, then download the 99 Walks app to track your walks and take fun classes to keep you moving.

Set your personal goal for the month and grab your walking shoes!


Step 2.

Get out there and walk! Our community of like-minded women will cheer you on every step of the way, and the carefully curated classes and awesome app features will keep you motivated.


Step 3.

Crush your goal and earn a gorgeous piece of “wearable inspiration,” an exclusive, inspirational bracelet engraved with the month’s theme.

These bracelets can never be bought, only earned by walking.


No contract, No commitment, No fees.


Meet the 99 walks app. The perfect walking companion

We’ve designed the 99 Walks app with our members in mind. Set your monthly goal, track your walks, listen to on-demand classes, get daily inspirations, connect with other pack members and more!

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walk tracker

Set your goal and go! Track walks by day, week, month and year.

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See how fast you’re moving and a map of where you’ve gone.


daily classes

Our expert coaches will lead you in classes for all ability levels.



Listen to walking meditations that will keep you inspired and moving.


podcasts & music

Enjoy podcasts, Walk & Talks, and music from three custom stations.


virtual teams

Track your miles together and benefit from the accountability and support that comes from being part of a team.

Looking for a community? We’ve got it!


The 99 Walks app features a Team section perfect for connecting with other pack members, finding accountability partners, and sharing your walking journey with others.

Whether you join Pack Central, our 99 Walks community group, join one (or ten) of our public, member-created groups around shared interests, or bring your friends along and create a private group just for you, we have a group for everyone!

Our Classes will help you reach your goals

Looking for a friend in your ear to walk with you and you get your miles in?

 99 Walks has hundreds of classes available on demand with new classes uploaded every week in the 99 Walks app.

Whether you are new to walking for fitness and wellness, returning to a walking practice, returning from an injury, gearing up for your next 5k or half-marathon, or looking to transform your walking practice into a full-body workout, we've got you.

No special gear. No expensive equipment. Just you, your coach, and your 99 Walks app.

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Put on your sneakers and head out the door! With 6 unique class options, we’ve got your next outdoor walk covered.

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No matter what’s keeping you indoors, we’ve got a class to keep you company. Whether it’s on a treadmill or just walking laps around the space you have, we can help you get those miles in while inside.


Mindset and Recovery Classes

Nourish your mind, body, and spirit with our mindset and recovery classes. These are a fantastic mix of walking meditation, stretch, and motivational classes to keep you going even on days when you just need to recharge.


Meet The 99 Walks Coaching Team

You will find no more committed, compassionate or caring coaches than Jillie, Jenny, Carrie, Martine, Joyce and Eric. Their voices will be in your ear, supporting you, coaching you, inspiring you and cheering you on every step of the way. You can click the images below to learn more about each coach and what drives them to make the miles matter.


No contract, No committment, No fees.