99 Core Values

99 Walks has a lot of core values. 99 of them to be exact.

These are the things that we believe. The way we choose to live our lives. They are part principles and part sparks of inspiration. Some of them may appear to contradict. That’s because we aren’t the same every day. Say yes and say no. Eat less sugar and eat the cupcake. Sometimes, well, sometimes you just need a cupcake. Because without the occasional cupcake, life is too predictable. Too rigid.

We believe in big dreams and hard work, but we also believe in the importance of play and making time for the most important things. And sometimes the most important thing is taking your daughter to the park or playing a card game with your son. We think social media is awesome to connect and dangerous when you start to compare.

Mostly, we created these as our guideposts. A place where we could turn when we need to be reminded of why we do what we do.

I hope they resonate and inspire you.

  1. Choose joy.

  2. Fun and success are not mutually exclusive.

  3. Every day, you have the choice to make the people around you feel good or feel bad. Which you choose defines the person you are.

  4. Dream big. Work hard.

  5. Get better every day.

  6. Embrace a bias toward action.

  7. Success is made at the margins.

  8. Zig when others zag.

  9. People first.

  10. Less stuff, more experiences.

  11. Be wildly grateful.

  12. Create a judgment-free zone.

  13. Simple is good.

  14. Be the best you that you can be. Not the best someone else can be, the best you that you can be.

  15. Celebrate our differences.

  16. Make the world a better place.

  17. Go outside.

  18. Be awed by the enormity of the possible.

  19. Every person deserves the chance to become the fullest expression of the person they were meant to be.

  20. Love fiercely.

  21. Learn from each other.

  22. Laugh often.

  23. Try lots of new things. Take lots of risks.

  24. Say yes.

  25. Say no.

  26. Celebrate your successes.

  27. Know that you are worth it.

  28. Do something great.

  29. To have courage, you must also have fear.

  30. Eat the cupcake.

  31. Take the trip.

  32. Be a goal crusher.

  33. Play the long game.

  34. Practice kindness.

  35. Remember that we all breathe the same air, are warmed by the same sun and gaze up at the same stars.

  36. Eat less sugar.

  37. Sing in the shower.

  38. Never settle.

  39. Do what you can to make your life easier.

  40. Words are powerful and important. Choose them with care.

  41. Make time for the most important things.

  42. Be passionate about the things about which you are passionate.

  43. If it’s important, do not quit.

  44. Do not slow down just before the finish line. That is the moment to accelerate.

  45. Double down on dreams.

  46. Go all in.

  47. Be bold.

  48. Honesty at all times.

  49. Enthusiasm in all things.

  50. Do the right thing. Even when it's not the easy thing.

  51. Knowledge and wisdom are not the same. Cultivate both.

  52. It is never too late for a new start, new adventure or new life.

  53. Build community.

  54. Support each other.

  55. Be aggressive in pursuit of your goals.

  56. Persevere.

  57. Sometimes, you need to wake up and see something different.

  58. Simplify the complex to get to the heart of the goal, mission or challenge.

  59. We were meant to live in community with our sisters, aunties, friends, and families around us so foster community and connection.

  60. Lend a hand. Give. Reach out. Make friends. Forge connections. Open your heart.

  61. Yes, you can change the world.

  62. Do amazing things.

  63. Learn new things and never, never, never stop taking on new challenges.

  64. Remain curious.

  65. Work hard. Work harder.

  66. Check your ego at the door.

  67. Pause to take a breath.

  68. Don’t gossip.

  69. If you are not happy, make the changes, knowing that they might not be easy.

  70. Seek adventure.

  71. Be remarkable.

  72. Believe in a world of possibilities.

  73. Be a global citizen.

  74. Listen. To the wind, to the ocean, to the trees, to the children and to each other.

  75. Be polite, but remember that well-behaved women seldom make history.

  76. Do what you say you are going to do.

  77. You are not your job, your bank account, your car or a number on a scale.

  78. Value your friends and make time for them.

  79. When someone tells you no, sometimes they really mean “not right now.”

  80. It takes work to have a good time.

  81. Eat more vegetables.

  82. Drink more water.

  83. Embrace a spirit of optimism.

  84. Be impatient in your pursuit of excellence.

  85. Give back. Give more.

  86. Popularity for the sake of popularity is bad. Popularity because people are drawn to your character, integrity, and actions is good.

  87. Yes, you can make a difference.

  88. Choose to live with a spirit of abundance rather than scarcity.

  89. Take responsibility.

  90. Take a day off.

  91. Remember that your prosperity need not come at the expense of her prosperity: there is enough to go around.

  92. Be independent, yet connected.

  93. Find opportunities for synergy.

  94. Celebrate what makes you unique.

  95. Create value.

  96. Habits are powerful. Use them wisely.

  97. Play. A lot.

  98. Be brave.

  99. Be true.

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