6 Tactics for Staying Motivated to Maintain Your Walking Practice

Let’s face it, we all need a little motivation from time-to-time. There will come the days—maybe more often than not—that you have no desire to get up and head out the door to take a walk. But those are the days where you need to dig deep, reach into your motivation toolbox, and walk anyway. Is your toolbox looking a bit empty? Luckily, we’re going to share six tried and true hacks to get you the motivation you need to maintain your walking practice and achieve the mind, mood and body you desire.

  1. Define Yourself as a Person Who Walks: How you define yourself, even in your own mind, has a tremendous impact on how you live your life. If you say you’re a walker, then it’s more likely that you’ll become a walker. Think of it as a way of tricking your mind into believing something before it happens, but we love this tip to help you become the person you want to be.

  2. Make Yourself a Deal: Nope, you don’t have to choose door number one or door number two, but making a deal with yourself to just start your walk, not focusing on a certain time or distance, can be a real gamechanger. On the flip side, you can make a deal with yourself to walk to the mailbox or end of the block, and more often than not, you'll find you'll keep going. But, in either situation, if you head out and aren’t feeling it, give yourself permission to call it a day.

  3. Make a Date with a Friend: Have you ever noticed how much more likely you are to show up for other people than for yourself? Yep, it’s true for most of us, so here’s your chance to take advantage of it. Finding a trusty companion to help you stay accountable—and we’re willing to bet the benefit will be mutual—is a great motivation hack to keep you both walking toward your goals.

  4. Choose a “For Walks Only” Book, Playlist or Podcast: Ever been sucked into something that you just can’t wait until the time you can indulge? Why not apply that tactic to your walking practice with a gripping book, fascinating podcast, or energizing playlist. The choice is yours, but remember, the deal is that you can only listen to it while you’re walking!

  5. Set Your Own “Goldilocks” Goal: It’s absolutely crucial to set a goal if you want to be successful, but the key is to set a goal that is just right for you—your “Goldilocks” goal. It should be something that is achievable, but something that will take a little bit of work. But that goal will give you direction to know where you stand and where you need to go. Set it at the beginning of each month and walk toward that goal.

  6. Avoid the All-Or-Nothing Mentality: If you set your goal too high or expect too much out of yourself and then fall short of your unrealistic expectations, you may be tempted to throw in the towel. Nothing can sap your motivation faster. Remember, your journey doesn’t have to be perfect and you’re not expected to fit into a mold. What matters is that you give yourself some grace and that you have the opportunity to get up and keep moving forward. It’s never all or nothing.

So next time you feel that pull of the couch, first remember you’re not alone, but second know that you have the tools you need to overcome that unmotivated feeling. Try a tactic—or a combination—and find what works for you. You just might start to find that pull is leading you outside for a walk instead.

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational virtual walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

You'll find all the tools you need to be successful, including a tracking app with an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community to keep you going.

Take your first step towards health and happiness, all through the simple act of walking. Start today for just $9!