Dream Bigger January

Remember when you were a kid with huge dreams fueled by unfettered imagination? Perhaps you wanted to be an astronaut, or a superhero, or an artist, pirate, or adventurer. Nothing seemed impossible, and limitations were just words that silly grown-ups used. And then, somewhere along the lines, you got caught up in the gravitational pull of routine, responsibilities, and so-called “realistic expectations.” You learned to temper your dreams so people didn’t look at you like you were crazy or to avoid the risk of the inevitable failures that line the path to making big dreams come true.

Perhaps, like me, you were warned over and over to “be careful.”

This month, we are going to work to put all of that aside and to reconnect with our biggest, boldest dreams. Because dreaming bigger is the key to unlocking a universe of opportunities. If you can’t dream it, you can’t do it. If you don’t dare to dream it, there is zero possibility you will be able to do it. And, while I loathe a cliche, this one sums up the power of a big dream: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

Dreaming bigger isn't reserved for the select few. Rather, it is for the daydreamers, the late-night thinkers, and those of us who refuse to settle for mediocrity. It's for all of us ordinary people who wonder how extraordinary our lives can be.

So, how do we embark on this journey of dreaming bigger?

First, dare to question the status quo. Ask yourself why things are the way they are and question whether they have to be that way. Together, let’s challenge norms and expectations. Remember, the most groundbreaking ideas usually come from those who dare to think differently.

Second – and this one is hard – we’ll need to silence our inner critics. That voice in your head that says you're not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough – tell it to take a hike. Embrace failure as a stepping stone, not a roadblock, and let it fuel your determination to dream even bigger.

Third, surround yourself with dreamers and believers. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so seek out those who lift you higher. Let’s continue to make the 99 Walks Pack a place where big dreams are celebrated and every mile matters. Let’s be each other's big-dream cheerleaders.

Finally, remember to take inspired action. Dreams without action are like stars without constellations – beautiful but scattered. Break down your big dreams into smaller, actionable steps. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, and keep moving forward. Remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and every step you take brings you closer to the extraordinary.