It's a Good Day for a Walk

By Erin Stolle, 99 Walks & Jetti Fitness Content Manager

I remember dropping my son off for his first campout with his Boy Scout Troop when he was 11 years old. It was a cold Saturday morning in March, and the threatening rain was coloring the sky all shades of gray. There he stood, his pile of gear at his feet, as I readied myself to let him head out into the wilderness on a not-so-picturesque day for his first overnight without me or his dad by his side. It was at that moment that one of his fearless leaders saw our apprehension and proclaimed loudly, “It’s a great day for scouting!” And though I chuckled and doubted his declaration, it was one that I found myself repeating as the years progressed, through heavy rains, cold snaps, heat waves, and unruly amounts of pollen.

Not only has my family spoken this message through our years of scouting adventures, but I also find myself referring to it in various circumstances. When my son has an evening soccer game in the middle of winter. When the only time I can do my weekly grocery shopping is during a torrential downpour. When I’m desperate to get in a walk to clear my head and my one opening is before the sun rises. My mind has now been trained to say, “It’s a great day for….”

Reframing your mind to appreciate the opportunities you have rather than the not-so-perfect scenario can really change your mindset. You’ll train yourself to see the silver lining. You’ll stop putting excuses in front of your goals. You’ll keep moving forward.

So, this April, remind yourself that neither rain nor snow, nor wind or pollen has to stop you. Don’t let a busy schedule, cranky family, or holes in your socks stand in your way. When you feel your motivation slipping, or the excuses creeping in, remind yourself that “It’s a good day for a walk,” lace up your shoes and head out the door, clear off that treadmill, or pull up a house walking class in your 99 Walks app.

And if you need a little more reason to let that phrase seep into your every thought, let me bring you full circle when it comes to that 11-year-old boy who I picked up Sunday morning in the rain and cold. He kept lacing up his hiking boots, pitching his tent, mastering skills, learning, and leading, and little by little, over the next 5 years, fulfilled all the requirements of Eagle Scout. All because he kept one phrase in mind and his eye on his goal.

Yep, it’s a good day for a walk.

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