Rucking: What it Is, How to Get Started and Eight Reasons You Should Try It

What the heck is rucking?

A long staple of military training, in its most basic form, rucking is simply walking with a loaded pack. The term comes from “rucksack,” the durable pack the military uses to carry equipment. Recent research has confirmed what our military has long known: rucking is a powerful form of fitness, whatever your mission. 

Highly versatile, the weight you carry can vary based on your fitness level and training goals, and the right pack makes it easy to increase the weight as you get stronger. And get stronger you will, along with a host of other benefits that make rucking something we should all add to our walking practice.

So, what are the actual benefits of rucking?

Rucking delivers so, so many benefits. Here are eight of our favorites:

  1. Boosts Heart Health: Rucking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness as it increases your heart rate and engages your cardiovascular system, helping to build endurance and stamina.

  2. Builds Muscular Strength: Rucking is a full-body workout that engages various muscle groups. The weight on your back adds resistance, which helps to build strength in your legs, glutes, core, and upper body muscles. It's like a strength training session while you walk!

  3. Promotes Weight Loss: The combination of walking and carrying extra weight elevates the calories that you burn, aiding in fat loss and weight management.

  4. Reduces Joint Stress: Unlike high-impact activities like running, rucking is  low-impact and puts less stress on your joints. 

  5. Improves Posture: Rucking requires you to maintain an upright posture and engage your core muscles. Over time, this can help improve your posture, as it strengthens the muscles responsible for supporting your spine and maintaining proper alignment.

  6. Enhances Mental Health: Engaging in moderate physical activity outdoors is great for your mental well-being as it can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost mental resilience.

  7. Offers Versatility and Accessibility: Rucking is a versatile exercise that can be adapted to different fitness levels and goals. You can adjust the weight, distance, and terrain to suit your preferences and gradually increase the intensity over time. It's an accessible activity that can be done almost anywhere, requiring minimal equipment.

  8. Bolsters Teamwork and Camaraderie: There’s nothing like rucking with others as it gives you a chance to encourage each other along the way, and fosters a sense of shared accomplishment when completing rucking events together.

How do I get started rucking with Jetti?

The best way to get started? Add a Jetti Pack to your fitness arsenal. Why Jetti Pack? Because we designed it for you. As Cofounder and CEO Joyce Shulman explains, “I couldn’t find a weighted pack designed for women – so we created one.”

Jetti Pack is the first ruck pack designed with a woman’s body in mind, including custom, curved shoulder straps, adjustable chest strap, comfortable padded waist belt and weights that range from 7 pounds to 30 pounds, making rucking accessible for all fitness levels. And, it delivers all the benefits mentioned above.

Remember, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the weight and distance. As you get stronger, you can add additional Jetti Pack Weight Plates to your Jetti Pack to continue to challenge yourself.

As always, remember to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before starting a new fitness routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. And start slow!

Ruck on!

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