Strollin' Together: 9 Reasons Why Walking Together May Be the Secret to Relationship Bliss

Ever considered ditching the fancy dinner dates with your beloved and taking a stroll instead? Well, hold on to your hats (or hand-holding gloves) because walking together might just be the secret to a happier, healthier relationship. Lace up those sneakers, and let's dive into nine reasons why walking with your significant other can do wonders for your relationship.

  1. Undistracted Time:
    In a world filled with buzzing smartphones and constant notifications, taking a walk together offers a rare chance to unplug and enjoy each other's company without distractions. This undistracted time is critical, as research has shown that the frequent interruptions of our cell phones “can undermine our satisfaction with our romantic relationships.”

  2. Natural Stress Buster:

    Relationships often bear the brunt of our stress. A calming walk in nature can act as a natural stress buster. Walking just 20 minutes — especially outdoors in nature — significantly reduces our stress response and cortisol levels. Ah, yes, the fresh air, the rustling leaves, and the gentle rhythm of our steps can ease tension and encourage communication.

  3. Shared Goals and Achievements:

    Embarking on a walk together gives you a common goal—reaching that scenic viewpoint or completing a set distance. Achieving these mini-milestones fosters a sense of accomplishment and teamwork, reinforcing your bond as a united, goal-crushing team.

  4. Heart-to-Heart Conversations:

    As 99 Walks’ CEO explained in her TEDx Talk, there's something magical about the way conversations flow during a walk. With no fixed agenda, the absence of the usual distractions, and the remarkable way your brain works while you walk, you'll find yourselves having more meaningful, heart-to-heart talks. It's the perfect setting to discuss dreams, fears, and everything in between.

  5. Spontaneous Adventures:

    Walking allows for spontaneity. You might stumble upon a hidden gem in your neighborhood, discover a quaint coffee shop, or decide to take a detour just because. Embracing these spontaneous adventures injects a sense of fun and, well, adventure into your relationship.

  6. Exercising Together Improves Relationships:

    Exercise releases a trifecta of happy hormones: endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. So, why not double the dose by turning your walk into a joint fitness activity that is sure to benefit your relationship? In fact, a study quoted in Psychology Today showed that people who exercise “with their romantic partner experience better mood during exercise, better mood during the day, and higher levels of relationship satisfaction.”

  7. The Chance to Share Awe:
    Awe has been described as “an overwhelming, self-transcendent sense of wonder and reverence in which you feel a part of something vast, larger than you, and that transcends your understanding of the world.” Experiencing awe lowers stress, reduces inflammation, and increases joy. When we experience awe, we tend to be more curious, more open to new ideas, and more deeply engaged with others. Sounds like an awesome way to connect with your partner and a study from the University of California has shown that awe can be experienced on an ordinary walk – pretty much all you have to do is look for it.

  8. Conflict Resolution:

    Walking together presents an excellent setting for conflict resolution. According to Dr. Christine E. Webb, a professor in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard, the power of walking to aid in conflict resolution comes from a combination of the things that happen when we walk together: the benefits to our individual moods and minds, a heightened ability to see things through another’s perspective, the power of behavioral synchrony (which has been linked to increased cooperation, compassion, and feelings of connection), and the simple joy of shared experiences and undistracted time.

  9. Affordable and Accessible:

    Money and financial stress are huge relationship downers, and walking together is affordable and accessible. You don't need a reservation, expensive dinner, or fancy gear—just comfy shoes and each other. It's a budget-friendly way to share an experience and invest in your relationship without breaking the bank.

So, there you have it—nine reasons to grab your partner's hand and hit the park, trail or pavement. Whether you're navigating the ups and downs of life or just looking to add a spark to your relationship, walking together might just be the missing piece to your love puzzle.

99 Walks is dedicated to helping women feel their best, both mentally and physically, through the simple act of walking. Join thousands of women who are walking for exercise and weight loss using a walking tracker and supported by a community of women who understand the challenges for maintaining and staying motivated in a workout program. The intentional walking practice designed by 99 Walks has helped thousands of people get healthier and achieve their goals, and earn an inspirational bracelet reward each month. Join today for just $22!