Elevate the Moments in Life with Ezra Bookman

Elevate the Moments in Life with Ezra Bookman


Join Joyce & Ezra Bookman, ritual designer, artist, and facilitator, for a casual conversation you can walk to. What exactly is a ritual, and how do rituals begin? You'll learn answers to these questions, as well as the three main reasons to practice rituals, the biggest misconceptions, and how you can switch things up around the table this holiday season.

About Ezra

Ezra Bookman is a nationally recognized ritual designer, artist, and facilitator exploring the transformational power of ritual. He is the founder of Ritualist, a creative studio helping leaders cultivate more conscious companies and connected communities; the youngest member on the Board of Directors of The Secret City, an Obie Award-winning arts organization; and the former Artistic Director for Lab/Shul, an experimental, artist-driven, God-optional Jewish community in NYC.


Connect with Ezra

Website: https://www.ritualist.life/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ritualistconsulting/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ritual_ist/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EzraBookman