+ What is the 99 Walks monthly challenge?

99 Walks is designed for women of every age, ability and location. Each month, you’ll set your personal walking goal to earn the monthly wearable inspiration: a custom bracelet stamped with a unique saying.

There are no minimums or requirements for your goal. The number of miles you can walk in a month is 100% up to you.

Your 99 Walks Pack is here to cheer you on and support you every step of the way.

When you hit your goal by the last day of the month, you'll automatically be sent a bracelet in the mail.

+ Can I join at any time during the month?

Yes! You can join at any time during the month. Earning bracelets is based on the calendar month and billing cycles are based on your start date. But no matter what day you join in the month, you always have the opportunity to set a goal and earn that month's bracelet.

+ How do I set a walking goal if I join later in the month?

Your walking goal is always the amount of miles you'd like to walk in that month. Your walking goal starts from the day you join through the end of the month, so if you join on the 15th of the month, you'll set a goal for how many miles you can walk in the 15 (or so) days remaining in that month.

Yes, your goal will be smaller than if you started on the 1st of the month, but that's ok! Your goal is your goal and should be challenging and doable for you to hit in whatever time is left in the month.

We have no minimums or requirements for earning your monthly bracelet. Your goal can be 1 mile or 100 miles. It's your goal to crush!

+ Can I set a new goal every month?

Yes! On the 1st of the month, you'll set a new walking goal for the miles you'd like to walk that month.

+ Do I have to walk?

Well, walking is kind of our thing, so our content and classes are designed with walking in mind.

+ Do my daily steps count?

Here at 99 Walks, we only count walks, not steps.

A walk is when you take some measure of time—be it fifteen minutes or fifty minutes—to step away from your computer, work, laundry, dishes and social media. Sure, you can take company … a dog, a friend or a stroller. You can walk on a trail, a sidewalk or around the mall. What matters is the intention. “I am going to go for a walk.”

Learn more here.

+ How many miles do I have to walk?

That’s up to you! We encourage our members to set a monthly goal that is challenging but doable to hit by the last day of the month.

We understand that everyone is different and that we're all at different places in our health and fitness journey.

We have members with a goal of 1 mile for the month and we have members with a goal of 101 miles for the month. The important thing is that you do what's right for you!

(We do recommend talking to your health care professional if you are just getting started or returning after an injury or illness.)

+ Does walking on a treadmill count?

Of course, and we even offer treadmill classes! These miles will need to be manually added in the 99 Walks app as our tracker does use GPS to track your walks, and GPS technology is often not accurate indoors.

+ How do I track my miles?

Once you're a member, you'll download and sign in to the 99 Walks app to track your walks. Easy peasy!

+ How do I submit my miles to earn the wearable inspiration?

The app will automatically track your miles and send you a notification when you hit your goal. We get a notification, too, so we can get your wearable inspiration ready to send to you.

If you are not using the app to track your miles, on the last day of the month we will send out a form for you to submit your miles to us so we can get your wearable inspiration to you.

+ How long do I have to complete the challenge?

You have until the end of the calendar month.

If you finish early, way to go! We consider anything over your goal "Bonus Miles."

And if you join late, that's okay, too. Set a smaller goal and get out there and start walking!

+ Things didn’t go as planned and I didn’t complete this month challenge. Now what?

It’s okay! We know life happens and congrats on completing whatever portion of the challenge you could. Don't give up. Try again next month!

+ What happens if I hit my goal before the end of the month?

Be proud of your accomplishment and enjoy that win. Resist the urge to move your goal post! You hit your goal for the month and you don't need to change it. You can think of the miles you'll be walking the rest of the month as "Bonus Miles," or those miles that you walk after you've hit your goal.

No matter when in the month you hit your goal, bracelets won't start mailing out until the last week of the month, but rest assured you'll find your bracelet will be on its way to you as soon as we begin that process!

+ How much is it and how do I pay?

A 99 Walks membership is $22 per month.

Your membership includes daily walking classes ($25 value), your wearable inspiration bracelet ($25 value), our app tracker, access to weekly podcasts, audiobook classics, motivation to keep you moving ($9 value), and support from our community of like-minded women who are walking their way to better alongside you.

We also offer 3-month and 12-month packages at a discount.

You can join with your credit card or Paypal account right here on the website.

+ What do I get for completing the challenge?

Each month, we will offer a new piece of “wearable inspiration” as the “prize” for reaching your goal. Keep in mind that the best prize is doing something for yourself, which leads to better physical and mental wellness.