The Intricate Tapestry of Memory: Unveiling the Enigma of How We Make and Store Memories

The Intricate Tapestry of Memory: Unveiling the Enigma of How We Make and Store Memories

At a conference over a decade ago, I had the chance to hear Lisa Quinn, author of Life is Too Short to Fold Fitted Sheets, share her journey from perfectionist to, well, not a perfectionist. And she said something that has stayed with me for almost 14 years: "Making memories is messy."

I've come back to that thought time and again, as my kids trash the kitchen making brownies, my dog tracks mud into the living room, and the floor of my car becomes covered with sand. Making memories is messy.

I've always been fascinated by memories. Why is it that some things get encoded into our brains while other things don't? How is it that two people can experience the same thing yet remember it so differently? Why do we remember the highs and the lows but not the beautiful everyday experiences that make up the vast, vast majority of our lives? And, perhaps the most existential of them all … without our memories, are we really us?

Wait: Silent Walks Are For Me!

Wait: Silent Walks Are For Me!

When I feel overwhelmed by responsibilities, work, or the news, I walk. I walk with friends. I listen to music that matches my mood. I chat with friends who live too far away to walk with in person.

A friend who knows I walk regularly and passionately told me about a recent TikTok trend: silent walking. Despite all the fantastic studies about walking in nature without distraction, I was not initially sure. Going for a walk and leaving my phone behind?? I couldn’t imagine it. But then I had a particularly tough day. And I couldn’t imagine talking while walking, pretending I was okay. I put on my shoes and headed out with just a key in my pocket.

More Thankful, More Happy

More Thankful, More Happy

Want to be happier? Learn to see the cup half full rather than half empty. Count your blessings. Appreciate the positive. Retrain your brain to focus on the good. And for heaven’s sake, stop worrying.

Sounds easy, right?

In a sense, it is. Oodles of research has established that being thankful unlocks an almost magical path to happiness. In a well-documented research study titled Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life, professors Robert A. Emmons and Michael E. McCullough found that those who focused on the things for which they were grateful were happier, exercised more, and made greater progress toward their goals than those who did not. So why don’t we just… do that?

Five ways to maintain your walking practice while on a cruise … and one reminder

Five ways to maintain your walking practice while on a cruise … and one reminder

Midnight buffets, chocolate buffets, creamy cocktails with little umbrellas. Most cruises offer so, so many ways to indulge. But we are people who walk, even when we cruise. Here are five ways to maintain your walking practice while sailing the seven seas.

9 Safety Tips for Walking at Night or During the Day

9 Safety Tips for Walking at Night or During the Day

As a pedestrian walking in dim, dark, or even daylight, it’s increasingly important to make sure you are visible to oncoming traffic with drivers’ attention being challenged by any number of distractions. In fact, statistics in the past few years have reported a dramatic increase in the number of pedestrians killed and injured by motor vehicles—a May 2022 release by the Governors Highway Safety Association estimated 7,485 people on foot in 2021.

What precautions can you take to keep safe while out for a walk day or night? Here are nine tips that you’ll want to take with you on your next outing.

6 Tactics for Staying Motivated to Maintain Your Walking Practice

6 Tactics for Staying Motivated to Maintain Your Walking Practice

Let’s face it, we all need a little motivation from time-to-time. There will come the days—maybe more often than not—that you have no desire to get up and head out the door to take a walk. But those are the days where you need to dig deep, reach into your motivation toolbox, and walk anyway. Is your toolbox looking a bit empty? Luckily, we’re going to share six tried and true hacks to get you the motivation you need to maintain your walking practice and achieve the mind, mood and body you desire.

How Walking Can Help in the Prevention and Recovery of Breast Cancer

How Walking Can Help in the Prevention and Recovery of Breast Cancer

1 in 8. We’ve all heard the statistics.

1 in 8 of us are likely to get that terrifying call: the biopsy is malignant. And for sure, we are all very, very likely to know someone—probably someone close to us—who has battled breast cancer.

Yup, the numbers are scary, but there is some good news. A regular walking practice can help reduce your risk of breast cancer, aid in your recovery and lower the chances of recurrence.

Do What Matters

Do What Matters

I don’t know about you, but there have been times when I’ve gotten to the end of the day and couldn’t figure out what I had actually accomplished. Don’t get me wrong, my day had been jam-packed and I didn’t have a second to stop, so why is it that I felt completely unproductive? Reflecting back on it, my guess is that I gave into the busy and didn’t focus on the important. 

9 Podcasts to Help Shift Your Mindset

9 Podcasts to Help Shift Your Mindset

Have you noticed that the information you take in day-to-day makes an impact on your mind and mood, both internally and externally? Feeding your mind with positive, affirming and relatable stories can help shift your mindset to one that reflects a happier and more productive self. In order to fuel yourself with inspirational conversations that will help you reset your mind, join Joyce Shulman, 99 Walks Pack Leader and CEO, as she hosts Walk + Talks, casual conversations featuring guests from all areas of expertise. Perfectly packaged in a 30-minute recording, these Walk + Talks are ideal if you’re heading out for your daily walk or need a quick reset throughout the day. 

9 Reasons You Should Walk This Autumn

9 Reasons You Should Walk This Autumn

The autumn season is a favorite for many. Our thoughts turn to football, pumpkin spice, warm layers, and calming colors. But it’s also a time of year that calls us outdoors with a break from the heat of summer temperatures and all-around natural beauty. It’s the perfect time to take a walk, or even rekindle a routine of walking for exercise. Sure, there are plenty of mental and physical health benefits you get from walking, but it’s also the best way to capture the the splendor of the season. Here are nine reasons why autumn is a great time of year to lace up your shoes and walk.

How to Live to 100: Why Walking Paves the Way for a Longer Life

How to Live to 100: Why Walking Paves the Way for a Longer Life

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, the pursuit of longevity seems to call for complicated diets, expensive supplements, and high-tech gear and gadgets. But around here, we know that one of the simplest and most accessible ways to increase your chances of living to 100 is right at your feet—walking. This low-impact, free, and natural activity offers a multitude of physical, mental, and social benefits that can significantly impact your lifespan. 

14 Lighthouses to Visit to Step Up Your Walk

14 Lighthouses to Visit to Step Up Your Walk

If you’re looking for ways to change up your walk, consider taking it up—up the steps of a lighthouse, that is! Whether along the coast or lakeside, lighthouses dot the landscape offering unmatched views of our country’s natural beauty. To give you a little inspiration, we’ve compiled a list of fourteen lighthouses from sea to shining sea that you may want to add to your bucket list. Don’t let our list be the only light to guide you, though. Keep a lookout for numerous more with history and stories to keep you stepping up your walks.

Spice Up Your Walk with a Walking Scavenger Hunt

Spice Up Your Walk with a Walking Scavenger Hunt

If you’ve been on a walk, you probably know how it’s great for your mind, mood and body, but if you walk the same route too often, you might find your enthusiasm waning. Nope, you don’t have to find a new form of exercise, you just need to find a way to spice up your walk. Like turning it into a walking scavenger hunt!

You Choose

You Choose

It’s likely that you’ve encountered someone who’s grumpy and has an all-around gloomy disposition. If you’ve ever spent any time around a teenager, you can say this with certainty. It’s as if they got up “on the wrong side of the bed.” And perhaps, according to Roman history, this frame of thought—turned idiom—could be true. Romans had strong superstitions and believed the side of the bed from which you arise each morning impacted whether you would be surrounded by positive—right side—or negative—left side—forces. Literally, there was a right and wrong side of the bed.

9 Benefits of Walking on Uneven Surfaces

9 Benefits of Walking on Uneven Surfaces

My favorite thing about watching a toddler learn to walk is the way they walk like Frankenstein. With stiff legs and little bend in their knees, they keep their arms outstretched, steadying themselves as they walk along even the smoothest surfaces. But as they grow stronger and more confident in their new skill, they start taking on new challenges. The bumpy mulch in the playground. The wobbly scattering of rocks near the edge of a clearing. The trail through the woods with tree roots littering the path. Bit by bit, they learn to maintain stability while walking on uneven surfaces.

5 Health Benefits of Having a Dog

5 Health Benefits of Having a Dog

Within months of getting married, Eric and I committed what we called “the great puppy caper.” Long before Google Maps, we navigated via a paper map to the end of a long driveway in a small town in Connecticut and left 20 minutes later cradling eight pounds of fluff who, over time, grew into 40 pounds of pure love. His name was Kibo. He taught himself to lifeguard our kids when they were swimming, became a working therapy dog at two, and understood more than 100 words. He accompanied us everywhere, loved hotels and never needed a leash. He was the dog of dogs.

11 Great Books About Walking

11 Great Books About Walking

We’ve compiled a list of 11 great books about walking. They walk us through history, take us on their journeys, tell us stories, and provide inspiration that we hope will inspire you to keep moving forward, step by step. 

The Ultimate Goal of a #SundaySix

The Ultimate Goal of a #SundaySix

The true goal of a Sunday Six is to focus your intention and not let the day go by unnoticed and uncelebrated. To encourage us to pay attention, set a goal, take on a challenge and crush it. However you choose to celebrate your Sunday, don't let it slip by without your own, unique #SundaySix.

9 Surprising Symptoms Made Better by Walking

9 Surprising Symptoms Made Better by Walking

If you’re looking for a simple and accessible way to improve your overall well-being, the answer may be as straightforward as taking a walk. In fact, there are many symptoms you might have experienced that can be alleviated with commitment to a regular walking practice. In this article, you’ll learn how nine common symptoms can be made better with walking.